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Banana Yoga


It all started with a spark of inspiration from a challenge …
When I discovered the Design Challenge: Ditsy Fruit on Spoonflower, I wanted to create something truly unique. Around that time, I was just a few months into my journey with yoga and struggling to establish a daily routine. Somehow, my mind connected the dots—why not design a pattern featuring fruit doing yoga?The next step was deciding which fruit to feature, and within minutes, the idea of Banana Yoga was born!

Since its creation, the design has brought smiles to a lot of faces, fulfilling my ultimate goal: to spread joy, love, and happiness. It’s also a playful reminder to keep up with your yoga practice—perfect for brightening up a wall at home or adding a quirky, cheerful vibe to a yoga studio for kids and the young at heart.

Let those cute and joyful bananas inspire your asanas and keep you smiling every step of the way! 

Designs Banana Yoga by Kathrin Woo with text overlay Let's Go Bananas!


BANANA YOGA is available as…

Seamless Repeating Pattern Design at…


Carriage House Printery Fabrics – Fabric
Happywall – Wallpaper
Juniqe *– Art Prints, Clothing & More (* Affiliate Link: I earn a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking, at no extra cost to you.)
Lillestoff – Bio-Stoffe
Spoonflower – Fabric, Home Decor and Wallpaper
Textilwerk – Home Decor, Meterware & mehr

Panel Design with Fun Hand Lettering at…

Juniqe *
(Art Prints, Clothing & More)

* Affiliate Link: I earn a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking, at no extra cost to you.

(Cotton Tote Bag, Clothing & More)

For non-exclusive licensing, if you are a company that would like to print BANANA YOGA onto your products.
Reach out for a licensing inquiry